Best Way To Go About Selling Your Stamps

Second in order of importance is to arrange your collection for sale. This means assembling it all in one place for shipment or evaluation if the buyer comes to your home. Put new issues in albums, if you have the supplements, or stock books if you don’t. Glassine envelopes are the worst way to display your stamps. When you go to sell your home you paint it, mow the lawn, and pick up the trash off the floor. You would be amazed at the number of philatelic sellers who don’t take the minimum steps to make their collections appear in the best way.
And lastly, most importantly, find a dealer who can properly handle your material. You need a dealer with wide ranging philatelic
knowledge and established, time tested sales methods that will allow them to market your stamps in the best possible manor. If they can’t get the best price for your stamps, they can’t pay the best price for your stamps. They need to be financially sound, able to pay you immediately to any amount. And they need to be fair dealing, the best proof of this being, say, a hundred year record of satisfying stamp sellers. If it sounds like I’m describing Apfelbaum, you are right. We would be a very good place to start when you are thinking about selling your collection.