Buy It Now
In addition to our Public Auctions, Apfelbaum almost always has a Buy it Now sale posted on our web site. Listing anywhere from 600-6000 lots ranging in price from $50-$5000 these sale lists items for direct sale at prices that are often considerably below auction prices. We list new inventory as well as older material on which we have reduced the price. Many of our clients prefer this method of sale as they can buy items that they want immediately and not have to worry that they will lose items that they want at auction by not bidding enough. The Apfelbaum guarantee is the same for our Buy it Now sale as it is for our Public Auctions. It is an unconditional guarantee. Any item is returnable within 30 days for a complete, immediate refund for any reason. And we guarantee the genuineness and descriptions of our stamps for a somewhat longer period- forever. The Apfelbaum family has been active professional stamp dealers for over 100 years selling hundreds of thousands of lots representing hundreds of millions of dollars. And yet every lot is evaluated carefully and every customer is valued.