Collection by the 1897 Scott Catalog

Philately is a hobby where you can turn off the modern world. And the collector who made the collection we are offering intact did just that. He collected by this edition of the 1897 Scott catalog.

WONDERFUL NINETEENTH CENTURY COLLECTION of well over ten thousand different stamps in a pristine 1930 edition of the Scott brown hardbound International album. The collection has strength in all phases, especially British Commonwealth, French Colonies, German Area, and much more. The collector assembled this collection over a period of three decades, and it was a labor of love. Virtually every stamp painstakingly selected and in VERY FINE quality with the emphasis on better $25-250 stamps and missing all of the mega German and Italian States stamps and European rarities. We’ve carefully examined most of the stamps and crossed off a few reference items which are not included in our catalog value. As this Scott album has space for every nineteenth century stamp, you can see for yourself how complete the collection is with nearly every page 80-90% filled. All VERY FINE containing thousands of stamps and with a current catalog value well in excess of $125,000 all in a beautiful album. If you want to form a comprehensive collection of nineteenth century stamps for about a fifth of what these stamps would cost you to buy individually, then this lot is for you. Price: $18,500

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