Colorado Postal History

Among the many different types of stamps and covers to collect, one of the more interesting is state postal history and covers. Each state has its own rich history and most states have collector societies devoted to advancing collecting of local postal history. Recently, I came across a pretty good collection of Colorado postal history. Part of Colorado was acquired in the territory purchased from France in the 1803 Louisiana Purchase and the balance came somewhat later through treaties with Spain. Gold discoveries in the 1840’s and 1850’s were the leading cause of settlement and the territory finally became a state in 1876. Pictured here are three covers. The first is an advertising cover from a company that was raising funds for a five mile long tunnel that would have cut 300 miles off the transcontinental rail trip. The second is an 1865 cover from Colorado when it was a territory. And the third is a 3c 1869 used on a territorial. In our September auction we have hundreds of scans of Colorado Postal history from a nice collection. Go there when it is posted and you can see more.

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