There is a rule in determining philatelic popularity and it states that countries are collected in proportion to the popularity of stamp collecting in the home country. This accounts for the widespread philatelic popularity of say the United States or Great Britain or Germany. And it accounts for the relative philatelic unimportance of say Haiti or Paraguay. But there are countries that don’t fit this rule and which are very popular despite very small home markets. The reasons for this fall into a couple of categories. Viet Nam has become an important philatelic country despite few internal collectors. This is because the large number of Americans (often ex servicemen) that collect these stamps (similar affinity is the cause if the popularity of Canal Zone and Danish West Indies). St Pierre and Miquelon is very popular despite few internal collectors. It qualifies for popularity under the exotic country doctrine-places that produce pretty stamps and which people collect because they would like to visit and probably never will. French Southern and Antarctic Territories and French Polynesia also fall under this doctrine. Greenland has both reasons for popularity going for it. It is exotic and hard to visit as well as having well designed and interesting stamps. And Greenland is part of Scandinavia and as such is collected by Scandinavia collectors world wide.