Literature Past

There are two preeminent American stamp periodicals- the American Philatelist published by
the American Philatelic Society for over a hundred years, and the Collectors Club Philatelist published by the Collectors Club of New York. Both of these magazines are not now in their zenith but still publish excellent articles. In its hay-day of the 1950s and 1960s, the C.C.N.Y. was the finest philatelic publication in the world. A wonderful boon to the philatelic world would be to get these magazines online similar to what the New York Review of Books has done. Societies are always claiming no one wants to join, and yet they keep their finest assets locked in their libraries. Imagine what would be the recruitment value of access to hundreds of fine philatelic articles representing the flower of American philatelic scholarship over the last century. It’s even better than an A.P.S. mug.