Mecklenburg-Schwerin Stamps

What Can Be Done: The stamps of Mecklenburg-Schwerin are interesting, and, as a philatelic specialty, fairly easy to both collect and complete. There are fewer than a dozen stamps, a factor that always makes for easy collecting. There are a couple that sell for a hundred dollars or more and none which are cheap.


Specialty Catalogs:  Michel is used by specialists, but Scott, especially the Scott classic catalog, is actually quite good.


Specialty Albums: Lighthouse is the gold standard, but by far the vast majority of American collectors who collect both Mecklenburg-Schwerin in particular and German States in general use the Scott specialty series pages which is very good.


Availability of Material: What makes Mecklenburg-Schwerin fun to collectors is that it is relatively hard to find. The stamps sell for relatively high percentages of catalog value compared to most of the German States, and collectors who want to complete this country usually have to look hard to do so.


Expense: Most German States stamps sell for lowish percentages of catalog, especially if a collector is willing to accept a small thin or crease. Nice looking, slightly defective stamps should cost in the 20% of catalog range, and the entire country should be able to be collected for under $500.


Overall Grade:B

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