Nassau Street – The Best Book About Philately

This situation exists because the copyright laws in the United States that were written to serve Disney and writers like Saul Bellow don’t work well for niche publishing like philately. If you have a work with wide commercial appeal, of course it makes sense to protect the intellectual property rights of the creators. But most stamp works are created out of love for the hobby. Herst probably made more money out of stamp writing than any other author, but even so, he jokingly showed me a handful of change from his pocket when I asked him if philatelic writing paid well. A copyright law that was fair would allow not-for-profit reprinting of esoteric works in all fields after a shorter period of time than the nearly 100 years that normal copyrights run. Then works like Pat Herst’s can be reissued to the hobby. I’ve known several of the philatelic authors whose works, if reprinted, would have a wide and appreciative audience. These writers wrote their stamp works for several different reasons. But none of them wrote for the money, and all of the ones that I knew would have been thrilled to see their work live on for another generation of collectors. And the collectors would benefit too.