Stamp Auction Network

It’s no great revelation that the Internet has revolutionized all businesses and the stamp business in particular. Much has been written about the impact of EBay and, clearly, EBay has changed the way stamps are sold. But perhaps equally important, especially at the higher end of the stamp market, has been the impact of Stamp Auction Network ( Since its founding about ten years ago it has continually expanded, adding dealers and auctions so that today it is the first place serious collectors go when they are thinking of adding philatelic material to their collections. For sellers too, the impact has been profound. We can offer our stamps to the broadest most sophisticated group of ready buyers in the philatelic world and the commonality of look and platform makes it easy for buyers to find what they need. The transformation in the stamp auction business has been enormous. Catalog production and lead time is down significantly. Many collectors have such arcane specialties that an auctioneer couldn’t keep them on their mailing list for catalogs. With Stamp Auction Network, these collectors are easy to reach. And geography is no limit. In our last sale we sold over half the lots to foreign buyers with 23 countries represented. Tom Droege, the founder of the site, would deserve all professional stamp auctioneers’ profound thanks, if it wasn’t for capitalism’s better rewards that the site has provided for him.

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