The Future of the US Post Office
The United States Post Office is losing money at a pace that would drive any business into bankruptcy. Their business model is unsustainable and their cost structure makes solvency under the current model impossible. If the USPS were a private company it would be dismantled but because it is a quasi governmental agency politics has kept it bailed out until now. The Recession and economic problems have kept both political parties from wanting to deal with the post office issues at this time. The Obama administration does not want the massive lay offs and reneging on pension liabilities that a postal bankruptcy would produce. And the Republicans don’t want the massive (especially rural) Post Office closings, curtailing of postal service and price increases for rural areas that privatization would entail. But eventually the problem must be addressed and the question is what the solutions to this problem will look like to our hobby. My guess is that not much will change. The most probable scenario is a downgrading of postal service along with an increased governmental subsidy. This would involve an acceleration of what the Post Service is already doing with Post Office closures and eliminating some deliveries including Saturday. More radical solutions such as full Post Office privatization, which has been tried successfully in Europe, seem unlikely here in America. The Democrats are loyal to the current system because of their ties to the postal unions. And the Republicans are loyal to the current system because their older demographic makes their constituants more postal reliant and their rural skew means more of them are getting disproportionate postal subsidies. When an issue aligns the self interest of both parties, the status quo is a pretty good bet.