The Maple Leaf Issues
The 1897 issue of Canada is called the Maple Leaf issue. Victoria was on this stamp again, as she was to be alive for four more years. She reigned all told for sixty-four years, and had the distinction of having been on more postage stamps from more countries than anyone at that time. In recent times, it seems likely that Queen Elizabeth II has or shortly will surpass Victoria in this postage stamp derby and become the person who has had her face on more stamps than any other. (Elizabeth’s reign has not been nearly as long as Queen Victoria’s, but countries issue so many more stamps now than they did then.) The Maple Leaf issue contained eight values and was extremely well printed. (At this time, the United States had just taken the printing contract away from the American Bank Note Company, and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing was having much difficulty producing well-centered stamps whereas the American Bank Note Company had really mastered the stamp production process.) Almost all the 1897 Maple Leafs are at least reasonably well centered, the colors are bright and fresh, wisely chosen and deep in tone, and the gum has retained a high degree of freshness.