The Most extraordinary Philatelic Item
Collectors throughout philatelic history have argued over what they feel is our hobby’s most interesting and extraordinary item. Each collector has his own ideas and contenders for the honor have changed as collecting interests have changed over the the years. Ferrary felt the one cent magenta British Guiana was the most extraordinary. Perhaps it’s because it’s unique . My own favorite is this little gem It also has an autographed letter as well as being autographed on the front of the envelope by Charles Dickens. I think the combination of the greatest writer of the time autographing a cover with the world’s first postage stamp makes this a strong contender for the world’s most extraordinary item. But perhaps that’s influenced by the fact that I own it and it’s in my personal collection. George Sloane, who left us a thirty year record of his philatelic thoughts, wrote in 1935 that he felt that the most extraordinary philatelic item was the die used for printing the Mauritius Post Office stamps of 1847 (found in 1912) . Today, many collectors would no doubt place postal history items rather than stamps as their most extraordinary items. In the end it’s all personal and each of us has our favorites.