Washington Defeated at Brandywine 

U.S. #3403f from the Stars and Stripes issue.

On September 11, 1777, George Washington’s forces lost the battle of Brandywine.

In August 1777, the British fleet sailed down the east coast from New Jersey to Maryland. They landed about 50 miles from the American capital of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, which they planned to capture.

U.S. #3403f – Brandywine Flag First Day Cover.

Suspecting the British plans, General Washington positioned his forces between the two points, at Chadds Ford. He also had troops at several other nearby river crossings. Chadds Ford was the most direct route along the Brandywine River between Baltimore and Philadelphia, and Washington was sure that’s where the British would attack.

U.S. #UX322 – Brandywine Flag First Day Post Card.

However, the British didn’t intend to attack the Americans at the center of their line. Instead, they set up a flanking maneuver and crossed the Brandywine Creek at points where Washington hadn’t stationed men.

U.S. #39 pictures Washington in his general’s uniform.

About 5:30 a.m. on September 11, under the cover of fog, British troops approached unsuspecting Americans stationed on the Great Road near the creek. The first battle of the day was fought there on the grounds of a Quaker meetinghouse that continued their service despite the action outside. The battle continued throughout the morning, with the British reaching the American right flank around 2 p.m.

U.S. #657 was issued to honor Sullivan’s controversial 1779 expedition.

Fortunately for the Americans, the British attack was slow, giving them time to position troops on high ground. Soon the Americans had no choice but to withdraw. Major General John Sullivan and his men counterattacked, allowing part of the American line to retreat. Though reinforcements helped to delay the British advance for about an hour, they too were eventually forced to retreat. The Americans had to leave their cannons behind as most of their artillery horses had been killed.

U.S. #1716 was issued for the 200th anniversary of Lafayette’s arrival in the U.S.

Several famous military men participated in the Battle of Brandywine. The Marquis de Lafayette was wounded during the retreat. Future president James Monroe assisted Lafayette’s physician because he spoke French. Henry Knox commanded the artillery while Anthony Wayne and Nathaniel Greene defended Chads Ford and Chads Ferry. During the retreat, Casimir Pulaski helped hold off the British forces. Other notable figures present at the battle included Alexander Hamilton, “Light Horse Harry” Lee, John Marshall, and Peter Muhlenberg.

The British attack ended at nightfall. A few small battles broke out in the coming days and the Americans then abandoned Philadelphia. The British occupied the city on September 26 and remained there until the following June.

According to legend, the Seventh Pennsylvania Regiment carried the unique Brandywine flag at the Battle of Brandywine. Referred to as a flag within a flag, the canton in the upper-left corner contained a 13-stripe and 13-star flag. The stars were arranged in three horizontal rows, and the top and bottom stripes were white. The remainder of the flag was red, perhaps a reflection of Washington’s own coat of arms.

U.S. #785 pictures Washington, Nathaniel Greene, and Mount Vernon.

See below for more stamps honoring notable figures from the Battle of Brandywine:

U.S. #562 – James Monroe

U.S. #1851 – Henry Knox

U.S. #680 – Anthony Wayne Memorial

U.S. #690 – Casimir Pulaski

U.S. #1053 – Alexander Hamilton

U.S. #278 – John Marshall

Click here to read about another notable event from This Day in History.

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  1. Especially enjoyed the very pleasant diversion of reading your article this morning as we here in FL begin the recovery process from Irma. As FDR, the most famous of American collectors is reported to have said he enjoyed “stamping out” a problem.
    As always, thanks Mystic.

  2. It is true that there was another battle more current for the date 9/11 but nothing has changed. 16 years later and we will be graduating student that did not see or experience that event. Time marches on and so does the enemy. Chairman Mao stated that “Time is on our side”. Let us never forget what we have learned from our past battles. Don’t get surprised by the enemy and never let him “flank” or end-run you. He is subtle and all around even when we least expect him to be there. If we are not supporting the cause for freedom, we are working against it. Stay alert! Diligence is the mainstay of Freedom.

  3. About the stamp of the Three Firemen put the flag up at the World Trader damage (down on the ground) on 09/11/2001.

  4. I was at work. We has a tv and watched it all morning…we will never forget, this day may not be a “holiday” but we will never forget

  5. Thanks for the information. Hopefully all stampers will get the Covid-10 shot. Another of my friends passed away with the dreaded virus and he didn’t believe iin the shot. It’s a shot needed around the world.

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