About Rewards

I still have paper Mystic Profit Shares. Are they still good?

All paper Mystic Profit Shares have been automatically converted to our new electronic Rewards Points. You will no longer need the paper Profit Shares. If you’d like, you can mail your paper Profit Shares to us and we will review your account to make sure they have been converted. If you log into your account on MysticStamp.com and click on the “Rewards” tab located at the bottom of the page, you will be able to see your current Rewards Points balance and what you can redeem them for.

How do I use my Rewards Points to get FREE stamps, coins, and supplies on your website?

At the bottom of our homepage, under “Shop,” click “Mystic Rewards” to see hundreds of free items you can get with Rewards Points. Also, while viewing an item on our website, if it’s available for Points, the price in Points is in shown underlined under the stamp price. Simply click where it says “FREE with points!” From there, check out like normal.  Rewards Points do not cover the shipping and guaranteed delivery charges.

How do I check my Rewards Points balance or use my points?

To view your Reward Points balance, simply log in to your Mystic account. From there, click on “Mystic Rewards” at the bottom of the page to view the items available for purchase with Rewards Points. The list is always being updated, so be sure to check back often!