Why was the mint stamp I ordered hinged?
Mint stamps prior to the 1940s are more likely to have been hinged because stamp mounts had not been invented. After the 1940s, stamp mounts became more common, leading to less stamps being hinged.
Mint stamps prior to the 1940s are more likely to have been hinged because stamp mounts had not been invented. After the 1940s, stamp mounts became more common, leading to less stamps being hinged.
Mystic’s yearly Heirloom supplements picture stamp sheets. We also have an Heirloom Sheet Collection album that pictures sheets from 1994 to present. We also offer membership into our Mystic’s Heritage Mint Sheet Collection, where you are sent mint sheets every few weeks. Call our customer service representatives at 1-800-433-7811 for more information!
We do not have a Hingeless Airmail album at this time. Airmail stamps can be found in Mystic’s Hingeless Heirloom Volumes 1 though 8. Volume 1: C1-C19; Volume 2: C20-C69; Volume 3: C70-C112; Volume 4: C113-C132; Volume 5: C133-C134; Volume 6: C135-138; Volume 7: C139-C147; and Volume 8: C148-C150.
Hingeless American Heirloom album pages have crystal-clear mounts pre-affixed to heavier paper. The American Heirloom album uses a lighter-weight paper and does not have pre-affixed mounts.
If you can’t find an album picturing the stamps you’d like to collect, we recommend using our blank album pages (blank supplement pages & blank Hingeless supplement pages) With these pages, you can arrange your stamps in any way you’d like.
Hingeless album pages have clear drop-end mounts attached to them. They’re convenient, saving you the time and effort of affixing mounts. Simply slip your stamps inside the mounts and you’re done!
These are stamps with one or two minor imperfections that don’t detract from their beauty or collectibility but do save you money off Mystic’s U.S. Stamp Catalog prices. HM designates unused stamps. HU designates used stamps.
Click on “Supplies,” then “Pages.” This section features images and measurements of the majority of our products. You should be able to compare to your album size to find just what you need.
An album is a binder with pages. A binder does not include the pages, those must be purchased separately.