CBS Sunday Morning Airs Stamp Collecting Segment
Exciting news – for the first time in its 36-year history, CBS Sunday Morning aired a segment on stamp collecting! The show ran on Sunday, January 18th, at 9 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. Did you watch it?
Correspondent Rita Braver interviewed several leading members of our hobby, including Ken Martin of the APS, organizers of World Stamp Show-NY 2016, Bill Gross and outgoing Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe. In addition to visiting the National Postal Museum’s William H. Gross Gallery, Braver and her film crew also attended a Collector’s Club Youth Stamp Club meeting. Vintage background footage showing stamps was also part of the segment, too.
It was fun to see collecting in the news. All of us felt a personal connection to the story. As you recall, Mystic owned the 1¢ Z Grill and traded it with Bill Gross for the Jenny Invert Plate Number Block.