Happy Birthday David Farragut 

U.S. #311 is one of the scarcest stamps from the Series of 1902-03.

David Glasgow Farragut was born in Campbell’s Station (now Farragut), Tennessee, on July 5, 1801.

Born to a veteran of the Continental Navy, Farragut’s first name was initially James. After his mother died from yellow fever, Farragut’s father sent him to live with friends whom he believed would provide better care in 1808. So Farragut was raised by naval officer David Porter and was foster brother to David Dixon Porter and William D. Porter. In 1812, Farragut adopted David as his first name in honor of his foster father.

Farragut began his naval career at the age of nine as a midshipman. Within two years he was a prize master and then served aboard the U.S.S. Essex during its capture of the HMS Alert. From there he went on to aid in the establishment of America’s first naval base and colony in the Pacific, Fort Madison.

U.S. #792 pictures Farragut, his foster brother David Porter, and a warship representative of the ships they commanded, the USS Hartford and Powhatan.

After the War of 1812, Farragut served on various ships, mostly in the Mediterranean. In 1823 he sailed to the Caribbean to help fight pirates, and during the Mexican-American War he saw duty on both sea and shore. Following that war he was tasked with establishing Mare Island Navy Yard in California.

U.S. #2975g – Farragut stamp from the 1995 Civil War sheet.

At the outbreak of the Civil War, Farragut showed his loyalty to the Union when he gave up his home in Norfolk, Virginia, to fight for the North. He was then placed in command of the campaign to capture New Orleans and gain control of the Mississippi as part of the West Gulf Blockading Squadron. He took the USS Hartford as his flagship.

On April 18, 1862, the ships began bombing two forts near New Orleans. The bombardment lasted for five days with no signs of progress. Farragut was commanding the squadron and decided to sail past the forts at night. His successful plan forced the surrender of Fort Jackson, Fort St. Philip, and New Orleans. For two years he blockaded the Gulf Coast and controlled river traffic.

U.S. #4911 pictures Farragut’s fleet at the Battle of Mobile Bay.

In 1864, the Confederacy still held the port of Mobile Bay. It was heavily mined with anchored bombs known as torpedoes and protected by two forts. That August, Farragut was ordered to capture Mobile Bay. When his ironclad Tecumseh was sunk by a torpedo, Farragut was warned that Fort Morgan’s guns, as well as those from the Confederate Tennessee, were directed at his fleet. “Damn the torpedoes,” he replied, “Full speed ahead!”

Watching the enemy approach, Confederate Admiral Franklin Buchanan readied his flagship, the ironclad CSS Tennessee.  Mobile Bay was the last Confederate-controlled port east of the Mississippi and Buchanan had to defend it.

Item #20009 – Commemorative cover marking Farragut’s 183rd birthday.

Buchanan faced off with Farragut. A direct collision would sink both ships, but the Hartford veered at the last second. The two ships passed so close that the men shouted insults, and a Confederate bayonet speared a Union sailor. Once past the Hartford, the fearless Tennessee was surrounded by the Union fleet and pressed to surrender.

Although the battle lasted only three hours, the Union victory at Mobile Bay was significant. With the Union Army at her gates, the Confederacy dared not divert forces or weapons from Mobile, leaving other campaigns short-handed. This victory was a turning point in the war, because it cut off an important supply route for the South. Union victory in the Civil War would follow within a year.

U.S. #UX206 – Farragut First Day Postal Card.

The following year, when Richmond fell, Farragut was one of the first Northern officers to enter the city. And in 1866, Congress created the rank of admiral especially for him. He last saw active service commanding the European Squadron from 1867 to 1868. Even after that though, he remained on active duty (an honor he shares with only seven other U.S. Naval officers). Farragut died on August 14, 1870 in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

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  1. This is a riveting story facilitating the early history of this great nation. A story revolving around countrymen enthralled in battle that share a common goal of enforcing democracy for the greater good of man. God Bless America Long Live Democracy!

    1. As a child, growing up in Spokane, I seem to remember that there was a naval training base, named after the Admiral, on Lake Pernd/Orielle (sp?) in northern Idaho.

  2. What women was honored as the first in the 1902-1903 series? Sentence doesn’t quite make sense.

  3. Did not know his name was originally James and that he was a foster child to David Porter. Quite a remarkable young man who went to sea at a very early age.

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